Sunday, January 22, 2012


I decided today I was going to start blogging for that reason.  It doesn't matter where you are at with it it always has a way of kicking you in the ass in some way.  Whether you are a good person and only wish and do good deeds unto people.  It doesn't seem to matter at times.

My mom and I have just gotten into a huge altercation about values.  We don't see eye to eye on most things and now I have to sit here and try to not let this destroy the rest of my day and my attitude.  I am not her and vice versus she is not me.  I used to not care what she thought of anything I did.  I used to not give a damn if she thought little of me. But now at 24 I want to make peace and yet I can't see the shame or fault in what it is I am doing.  So we don't see eye to eye on a issue in life.  Not a big deal to most and it never used to be to me either, but she has this way of crawling up under your skin and throwing disappointment at you. As in she is disappointed in me and my decisions to do a particular thing.  And then she goes back to her values and how she raised us her kids not to do things of this nature.  But the truth of the matter is at the end of the day we are two different people, with two different sets of values, and two entirely different outlooks on what it is we want out of LIFE.  Despite all that I still do and always will love her dearly.  After all it is she that brought me into this world!

I invite you all to enjoy this blog to read it and feel inspired. To see the struggles of a up and coming actress in the lovely land known to many as LA and to join me in my quest and on my journey!



  1. Looking forward to hearing about your day to day life through your new blog!

  2. Thank you I look forward to giving you a day by day account of my LIFE

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dear Sierra,

    Congratulations on the launch of your new blog; it looks terrific.

    Your inaugural post is well-written and insightful. I look forward to following the direction and development of your writing, as well as your career.

    I wish you the Best for Success!


    Tom Ronell

    1. Thank you so much Tom I appreciate all your support and the comment!

      I enjoy knowing that people do wish me success and happiness as in the battle there are times where it gets exceedingly difficult to try and hold your head up any longer. But the weak fall out and only the STRONG survive. I am a survivor and am ready for this battle! I sincerely invite you on this personal journey with me and I am thankful to have people like you in my life.

    2. Thank you for inviting us on this journey, Sierra. I will enjoy not only being a spectator but, perhaps, having an opportunity to support your efforts and continued success as a trusted sounding board and advisor, should you require such. The beauty of the blog is that you are creating yuor own community not just to look in on you, but to root for and support you.

      I look forward to pointing at you - in a magazine, on a billboard, TV or in the movies - and saying, "Hey, I knew her when, and even commented on her nascent blog in the first hours that it was up!" I will proud of myself, as well as you....
